Thursday, April 14, 2011

This is my new friend, Jang Sun Myun!

Ha Ha Ha! I came all the way to Germany, and the first new friend I make is Korean girl!

Oh, well. Koreans can be fun to play with! This is a funny picture... it is SOOOO cold and rainy.

We me at a very sad place: Dachau (dah-how)

Many good people were put here and died very very very bad deaths.

This says Work Makes you Free.

It is a Lie.

The people who made this place killed people by making them work too hard.

This sign and museum is here.

They say it is important to remember, so i can not happen another time.

A picture of the Army police tower. It was very dangerous to try and escape.

After a sad place, we went to see the Queen´s Palace.


It had a MOAT all around it.

This means a water path.

Wow! What a BIG palace!

It is soooo big, that I can not even put it all in the picture!

The palace garden was nice for walking, but it was too rainy, and very cold!!!

It was even snowing!

German Ravioli. YUM! WOW! I Looove this food!
Hooray for new friends, fun, and adventure!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wow! This is Mareinplatz MA-REEN-PLA-tZ.


I think it is the most AMAZING building I have ever seen! At 12 o´clock, these little children puppets come out of the clock in the center, and they put on a show. The clock is called a GLOCKENSCHPIEL. Is it a difficult word? I think so! This is a Lion statue. It is good luck to touch his nose when you walk past him. Make a wish! good luck! This Building has holes in it from World War II. These holes were made when the army shot a machine gun ino the city.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I am in Munich, Germany

They call it Munchen. It is a very beautiful city. The Y on the compuer is in the wrong place. I keep messing up! I accidenally write Z!!! oh man!

I am staying at my friend, Stephanie´s house.

She is very fun and interesting.

Last night, I was SOOOOOO tired, so we stayed inside the house and made spaghetti for dinner. I missed Stephanie. It has been one year that we didn´t meet, so we had fun jus talking. here are some pictures.

This is where I am sleeping!

Munich has beautiful rivers and buildings. I am excited to see some castles and drink very delicious coffee!


Oh Look! It is me! Thank you So Young for this very fun picture. Oh my students! I miss you so much. I loved teaching you a lot, and I will always remmber our lessons. Please continue to love English and practice, so you can write to me in English, and I can wrie back! goodbye. I love you all sooooo much! from Miss Susan