Ha Ha Ha! I came all the way to Germany, and the first new friend I make is Korean girl!
Oh, well. Koreans can be fun to play with!
This is a funny picture... it is SOOOO cold and rainy.
We me at a very sad place: Dachau (dah-how)
Many good people were put here and died very very very bad deaths.
This says Work Makes you Free.
After a sad place, we went to see the Queen´s Palace.
Wow! What a BIG palace!

It is a Lie.
The people who made this place killed people by making them work too hard.
This sign and museum is here.
They say it is important to remember, so i can not happen another time.
A picture of the Army police tower. It was very dangerous to try and escape.
It had a MOAT all around it.
This means a water path.
It is soooo big, that I can not even put it all in the picture!
The palace garden was nice for walking, but it was too rainy, and very cold!!!
It was even snowing!